
The Open 3P Charter outlines how a growing community of Open 3P data standard users are committed to a more efficient packaging value chain through data


As supporters of the Open 3P data standard we understand that the current data landscape within the packaging value chain is unsustainable and although data is shared, it is done so in a way that often hinders efficiency and the move towards a circular economy.
Therefore, we believe that this needs to change. This Charter recognises that complete, accurate, and up-to-date product data are necessities, and that pro-active sharing of standardised data offers significant benefits to the supply chain by minimising inefficiencies and inaccuracies and opening the door for innovative new products and services.
Our commitments are to:
    • Assess current and developing data processes against their readiness for adopting the Open 3P standard data specification
    • Incorporate the Open 3P standard data specification in relevant systems and processes within 3 years of signing
    • Not restrict the flow of ‘non-sensitive’ Open 3P standardised data that is needed for the business processes of others within our packaging value chain
    • Contribute feedback and insights regarding Open 3P adoption to support the continual development of the Open 3P data standard.
    • Act as advocates for the Open 3P data standard to relevant supply chain partners and other parties.
    • Allow our name and logo to be quoted as a participant in the Open 3P initiative
    • Act in the spirit of this charter

Downloadable Charter

If a more process and resource efficient way of working is attractive to you and your organisation, join us and let's make the packaging value chain work for people, planet and prosperity together.

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